Our planning consultancy team provides independent and commercially sound planning advice to a wide range of clients. We advise both landowners, occupiers, developers and investors of all the key property sectors.
Current Projects include:
- New Residences
- Listed Building Alterations
- Listed Building Extensions
- Wind Farms
- On-Farm Composting Sites
- Noise bunds
We can co-ordinate all planning matters for you and advise you on the most cost effective path through the planning process to achieve you success.
Associated Reports and Surveys that we can undertake for you…
- Design and Access Statements
- Planning Statements
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Heritage Impact Asessment
- Landscape and Visual Assessment
- Ecological and Habitat Assessment Surveys and Reports
- Historic Building Surveys
- Building Structural Surveys
- Landscape Plans for developments
- Transport Assessments
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Any other reports required by Planning Authorities
- Planning Appeal – Grounds for Appeal Reports